Kamila Kowalska, Enrico Maria Sessolo
Entanglement in flavored scalar scattering
JHEP 07 (2024) 156A. E. Cárcamo Hernández, Kamila Kowalska, Huchan Lee, Daniele Rizzo
Global analysis and LHC study of a vector-like extension of the Standard Model with extra scalars
Phys. Rev. D109, 035010 (2024)
Abhishek Chikkaballi, Kamila Kowalska, Enrico Maria Sessolo
Naturally small neutrino mass with asymptotic safety and gravitational-wave signatures
JHEP 11 (2023) 224Wojciech Kotlarski, Kamila Kowalska, Daniele Rizzo, Enrico Maria Sessolo
How robust are particle physics predictions in asymptotic safety?
Eur. Phys. J. C, 83 (2023) 644Abhishek Chikkaballi, Wojciech Kotlarski, Kamila Kowalska, Daniele Rizzo, Enrico Maria Sessolo
Constraints on Z' solutions to the flavor anomalies with trans-Planckian asymptotic safety
JHEP 01 (2023) 164
Shaaban Khalil, Kamila Kowalska, Stefano Moretti, Diana Rojas-Ciofalo, Harri Waltari
A combined approach to the analysis of space and ground experimental data within a simplified E6SSM
Eur. Phys. J. C, 82 (2022) 1058Kamila Kowalska, Soumita Pramanick, Enrico Maria Sessolo
Naturally small Yukawa couplings from trans-Planckian asymptotic safety
JHEP 08 (2022) 262Shehu S. AbdusSalam et al. (Kamila Kowalska)
Simple and statistically sound strategies for analysing physical theories
Rept. Prog. Phys. 85 (2022) 052201Ubaldo Cavazos Olivas, Kamila Kowalska, Dinesh Kumar
Road map through the desert with scalars
JHEP 03 (2022) 132Luc Darmé, Marco Fedele, Kamila Kowalska, Enrico Maria Sessolo
Flavour anomalies and the muon g-2 from feebly interacting particles
JHEP 03 (2022) 085
Shaaban Khalil, Stefano Moretti, Diana Rojas-Ciofalo, Harri Waltari
Monophoton signals in electron-positron colliders in a simplified E6SSM
Phys. Rev. D104, 035008 (2021)Kamila Kowalska, Enrico Maria Sessolo
Minimal models for g-2 and dark matter confront asymptotic safety
Phys. Rev. D 103, 115032 (2021)Heather E. Logan, Stefano Moretti, Diana Rojas-Ciofalo, Muyuan Song
CP violation from charged Higgs bosons in the three Higgs doublet model
JHEP 07 (2021) 158Kamila Kowalska, Enrico Maria Sessolo, Yasuhiro Yamamoto
Flavor anomalies from asymptotically safe gravity
Eur. Phys. J. C, 81 (2021) 272
Luc Darmé, Marco Fedele, Kamila Kowalska, Enrico Maria Sessolo
Flavour anomalies from a split dark sector
JHEP 08 (2020) 148Ashutosh Kumar Alok, Amol Dighe, Shireen Gangal, Dinesh Kumar
Predictions for Bs->K*ll in non-universal Z' models
Eur. Phys. J. C, 80 (2020) 682Ubaldo Cavazos Olivas, Rebeca Juárez Wysozka, Piotr Kielanowski
CP violation for four generations of quarks
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 35 (2020) 05, 2050029Ashutosh Kumar Alok, Dinesh Kumar, Suman Kumbhakar, S. Uma Sankar
Solutions to RD-RD* in light of Belle 2019 data
Nucl. Phys. B 953 (2020) 114957
Kamila Kowalska, Dinesh Kumar
Road map through the desert: unification with vector-like fermions
JHEP 12 (2019) 094Kamila Kowalska, Dinesh Kumar, Enrico Maria Sessolo
Implications for New Physics in b->sµµ transitions after recent measurements by Belle and LHCb
Eur. Phys. J. C, 79 (2019) 840Ashutosh Kumar Alok, Amol Dighe, Shireen Gangal, Dinesh Kumar
Continuing search for new physics in b->sµµ decays: two operators at a time
JHEP 06 (2019) 089Kamila Kowalska, Enrico Maria Sessolo, Yasuhiro Yamamoto
Constraints on charm-philic solutions to the muon g-2 with leptoquarks
Phys. Rev. D 99, 055007 (2019)
Luc Darmé, Kamila Kowalska, Leszek Roszkowski, Enrico Maria Sessolo
Flavor anomalies and dark matter in SUSY with an extra U(1)
JHEP 10 (2018) 052